Unless otherwise agreed by /Morgan Events Ltd / Morganisation Ltd / Motor Safari, (hereafter called Morgan Events Ltd) in writing, all services are supplied on the following terms and conditions to the exclusion of any conditions stipulated by the customer and of any communications, stipulations or warranties not expressly incorporated herein to the maximum extent permitted by law.
No variations to these terms and conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing by Morgan Events Limited.
The headings on these terms and conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.
All parties agree that any disputes or litigation arising from any matter relating to services or goods provided by Morgan Events Ltd or any subcontractor or agent shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of UK courts.
On confirmation of your booking through Motor Safari we reserve an allocation in our programme. All such bookings are subject to availability and Motor Safari reserve the right to amend bookings; however, in such cases we will make every effort to offer you a satisfactory alternative programme.
The person making the Booking warrants that he/she has the authority of all the persons included in the booking, whether or not detailed by name on the Booking Form, to accept the booking conditions as specified.
A payment in respect of each programme is required as confirmation and must accompany the booking. Final acceptance of a booking will always be subject to availability and full payment. In the case of payment not being received we reserve the right to cancel a booking under the terms of our cancellation policy (below.) Motor Safari will not accept any liability for any delay or additional expense incurred in such a case. All cheques or payments to be made payable to Morgan Events Ltd. (or Morganisation Ltd T/A Morgan Events Ltd)
Group Bookings. The customer shall pay a deposit of 1/3 of the contract price at the time of booking and such payment shall be a condition of acceptance by Morgan Events Ltd of the booking. The balance of the booking or contract price shall be paid not less than 30 days prior to the event.
Accommodation Supplements. For bookings with accommodation, we reserve the right to charge a supplement for peak times e.g. Saturdays, Bank Holidays and High Season bookings.
With a minimum 21day prior arrangement, additional guests may be added and will be charged on a pro rata basis, based on full teams of 5, or according to Morgan Events Ltd then current price list, whichever is the greater.
If the customer fails to make payment on the due date then, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy Morgan Events Ltd may have, Morgan Events Ltd shall be entitled to treat the booking as cancelled by the customer and terminate the contract forthwith upon giving notice in writing to the customer; and
Charge the customer interest (both before and after any judgement) on the amount unpaid from the due date at the rate of 5% above TSB Bank PLC base rate from the time payment is due until payment in full is made, such interest accruing on a daily basis.
If you wish to make an amendment to your booking after it has been confirmed, details of the changes you require must be conveyed in writing to Motor Safari’s booking office. There is a charge of £25 per booking change. Motor Safari cannot guarantee to satisfy a request to amend programme arrangements; however, we will make every effort to accommodate your requirements.
Motor Safari reserves the right to amend booking arrangement details and specific vehicles or equipment used.
No contract or booking may be cancelled or amended by the customer unless otherwise agreed by Morgan Events Ltd in writing and on terms that the customer shall indemnify Morgan Events Ltd in full against all costs, charges and expenses incurred by Morgan Events Ltd as a result of cancellation or postponement.
No automatic refunds are available for goods, services and / or vouchers purchased. Goods and services are not transferable. A Credit Note can be issued to the value of the goods purchased. Credit notes are valid for a 6-month period and must be used within the 6-month period from date of purchase of goods. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Cancellation or postponement of a booking or event must be made in writing and sent by Recorded Delivery post to Morgan Events Ltd & Motor Safari’s booking office. Should a booking / programme be cancelled or postponed, you will be liable to charges in accordance with the following scale:
Cancellations or postponement will be charged at 100% if we are unable to re-sell the allocation.
150 days plus – 33%
90 - 149 Days - 65%
60 - 89 Days - 75%
30 – 59 Days - 85%
1 – 29 Days – 100%
In addition to the cancellation charges above, we reserve the right to be reimbursed for any other costs associated with the booking e.g. Gift Packs, Vouchers, Videos & CDs, Postage, Credit Card Charges, Event Management, set up fees and Cancellation Costs imposed by 3rd Parties booked on the customers behalf.
Postponement by the customer of its participation in an event for more than 60 days will be deemed to be cancellation and the provisions of the cancellation clause will apply.
Percentage cancellation charges will take effect from the date of receipt of correspondence by Registered Post advising of the cancellation.
For your own protection we advise that you be properly insured against the full range of potential problems that may arise e.g. cancellation costs etc. We recommend you arranged appropriate Insurance cover for travel / holidays and activity holidays.
The customer shall procure that all guests shall sign Morgan Events Ltd form of indemnity prior to their participating in any event. A copy of the indemnity is available on request.
Morgan Events Ltd accepts no responsibility for the cancellation or the alteration in any way whatsoever of an event because of circumstances beyond its reasonable control including (without limitation) adverse weather conditions.
Participants must not consume alcohol before or during any event.
The customer or guest’s rights will be affected with regard to liability insurance if Safety Regulations are not complied with.
Morgan Events Ltd reserves the right to unconditionally terminate participation in a programme, by any participant who, at their discretion, is acting in an unsafe manner.
Morgan Events Ltd contract to supply vehicle, venues, equipment and staff in an activity package. We reserve the right to substitute alternative vehicles, venues, equipment, staff and activities to facilitate the continued safe and satisfactory operation of any event.
Participants must hold a provisional driving licence to participate in driving elements of an event.
Unlicensed drivers must notify Morgan Events Ltd in advance at the time of booking and pre-book appropriate facilities,
8. DAMAGE DEPOSIT. In 30 years of operation, we have never had a customer injury or a vehicle damaged. All events start with a Safety Briefing where the Rules & Regulations relating the event are explained and guests sign to confirm their understanding and acceptance. Guests are reminded that they are potentially liable for damage or injury caused by reckless or irresponsible behaviour, or where they fail to follow the rules relating to the venue or the instructions of an Instructor or member of the Motor Safari / Morgan Events Ltd event team. DAMAGE DEPOSIT. Damage to vehicles and facilities may be charged against the credit / debit card details used to make the booking in these circumstances
Motor safari takes due care and attention in arranging your programme in accordance with the terms shown in its current published brochures. Descriptions of programmes and prices are published in good faith and are believed to be correct at the time of printing.
Customer problems are very rare and our Customer Satisfaction Index score reflects our commitment to excellence. Any cause for dissatisfaction must be taken up with the Motor Safari Senior Instructor or Course Co-ordinator in charge of the programme at the time.
If you remain dissatisfied let us know within 7 days of the occurrence and we will do all in our power to resolve the matter.
11. V.A.T and Fuel Surcharges.
Where applicable prices include VAT at 20% or the rate specified by the Inland Revenue at that time. These may vary directly with any changes in this rate prior to the commencement of your programme. Where Government Fuel Duties are raised or lowered or fuel prices rise sharply, Motor Safari reserves the right to adjust booking costs by an equivalent percentage. A Fuel Surcharge may require an additional payment, or in the case of Gift Vouchers, customers may prefer to take a reduced driving time option. Note. We have never (to date) had to make a surcharge. It is only in the case of sudden large increase in fuel cost or where Gift Vouchers or bookings having been extended or postponed that this may be a possibility.
Gift Vouchers are valid for 12 months and must be used to book a date within 6 months of the date of issue. Vouchers are transferable, but non refundable and have no equivalent cash value. If, for any reason you are unable to book your event within 6 months, your voucher may be extended (at our discretion) for a further 6 months upon application and as long as the extension is purchased within the 6 months booking period. There is an administration fee of £25 for these services. If the price of the activity has increased or there is a fuel or cost surcharge applicable since the original date of issue, there may also be a supplement to pay on extensions.
Allow up to 1, 2 or 6 hours at the venue depending on the voucher booked. The time at the venue is for guidance and is not to be misinterpreted as course duration. The total driving / activity time is not less than 40 minutes for 1hr V1P bookings; or 105 mins for 2hr V1P bookings. Please arrive 5 minutes before your booking time to ensure a prompt start.
14. AVAILABILITY - DATES AND VENUES: We offer dates 7 days a week at one (or more) venues in the UK - subject to pre-booking and availability. This guarantees that a voucher holder is able to be offered a choice of dates within the 6 months booking period and 12 months validity period. We offer venues UK wide for Corporate and Group Days and Platinum Gift Voucher holders. Individual Gift Voucher holders are offered - but not guaranteed - regional venues within 240 minutes travelling time (by car) of their home. Motor Safari is not responsible or liable where voucher holders are unable to book or match dates and venues and no refunds are available in these circumstances.
15. 2 for 1 Terms and Conditions
This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Multiple vouchers may be purchased (up to a maximum of 5) and are valid for up to 12 months. 2 for 1 must be specified when purchasing. 2nd Driver / Activity Vouchers can be issued blank, but cannot be applied for retrospectively. The 2 for 1 offer includes 1 drivers and 1 driving guests and the time bought is shared betweeen them when used to book a V1P format session (2 for 1 does not apply to superdriver days). It doesn't give double the driving / activity time. The "lead" Voucher is issued as a full Gift Pack as selected. The 2nd Voucher is issued as a Gift Voucher only (with a Gift Card on Standard Plus Over £100 + Diamond Vouchers). Other Upgrades can be added by request. Acceptance of 2 for 1 offer vouchers by specific venues on specific dates is discretionary and subject to availability. Vouchers purchased before a VAT increase will NOT attract a vat surcharge if used after the increase date.
Note* Standard Gift Vouchers are sent in an "e" version by e mail, to allow you to print off presentation copies. We are happy to post a hard copy version if requested - please add £4.95p.

The uk's no.1 4x4 driving experience company
as seen on bbc top gear
07515 578572
Seren Country Activity Centre,
Ruthin road, Wrexham LL11 5UY
Open Everyday 9am to 5pm